
the smokiest
in town.

Fruits in smoke

About Membership

By becoming a member of Jamoky community you will get a 10% OFF to all our shishas, as well as a special prices to our partner's products and services.

Our community is aiming to be the most technologically innovative in terms of the product and its delivery.

Pre-order Concept

Yellow smoke

No More Waiting Time!

By becoming a member, you will be getting an access to our unique pre-ordering system. If you know at what time you are willing to have your shisha, you will be simply able to arrange that from your member's dashboard in three clicks. And by the time you will arrive, it will be waiting for you.

All members will have an exclusive access to our mobile application.


We are extremely happy to announce that our mobile application will be launched later on in 2023. This will allow us to bring our customer's and partnership experince to the whole new level. Stay tuned for the updates.

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